Colleen Callander | Kindness in leadership

4m 36s

Do you want to be a leader that people love! Learn what being a kind leader means and how it makes you feel bigger than the seat you sit in.


Colleen Callander is the former Sportsgirl CEO, founder of Mentor Me Women and the author of LEADER BY DESIGN. She finished school at 16 and built her career from the ground up, becoming one of Australias most inspiring female CEOs of the clothing brand Sportsgirl. Her story underpins her message that anything is possible if you are passionate, work hard and believe in yourself. Colleen is proud to be a female leader who has led with purpose, stayed true to her values, inspired and empowered those around her to believe in themselves and created a culture that allowed people to truly shine.

As an award-winning CEO, Colleen has wealth of knowledge and a proven track record in brand growth strategies, establishing a winning culture and creating environments that allow people to be inspired and empowered. Colleen shares not only the past 13 years of experience as a C-Suite Executive but the past 30 years of her industry and leadership knowledge.

Colleen works alongside women of all generations to go out of their comfort zone and live their best lives. She wants to encourage women globally to have the confidence to believe in themselves, their ability, their voice and find their superpower within. Colleen empowers women to lead in their own lives whether that be in boardrooms, organisations, communities or homes. She wants them to believe it is possible to become the leader they always wanted to be in business and in life and together create a new era of leadership, one that leads with kindness, humility and self-awareness. One that puts people at the heart of everything we do. Colleen shares her thought-provoking insights to inspire leaders, both male and female, to reach their full potential and create the life they deserve.