The content of this conversation is general information and is for educational purposes only.
Experience the calming power of mindfulness to enhance your sleep, featuring a mindfulness exercise led by Chibs Okereke. This snackable offers easy-to-follow mindfulness techniques that help quiet the mind and prepare your body for a restful night. Perfect for those evenings when you need help winding down.
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More on Chibs Okereke
Chibs is a stress and burnout specialist, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction facilitator, former founder, and reformed striver!
He provides practical mindfulness tools to help organisations and individuals reduce stress and burnout.
Chibs is also a voice on the app Calm. On Calm, you’ll find a number of his work-stress meditations designed to build resilience and improve well-being by promoting better sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, and developing more mindfulness.
After a severe burnout that had disastrous effects on his mental health, Chibs left corporate to reset, recover, and repair the damage to his health.
During his time off, he discovered practical, scientifically validated tools and techniques to overcome stress, overwhelm, difficult emotions, negative thinking, and overthinking. He then made it his mission to share these tools with others.
Chibs has created a unique framework. He has integrated MBSR techniques from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, positive psychology tools, and years of hands-on experience working with the Vagus Nerve and nervous system."