Jocelyn Brewer | Dealing with teenagers - The elephant in the room - Module 2


The content of this conversation is general information and is for educational purposes only.

Module 2: The Elephant in the Room

In Module 2, we'll explore how parents can tackle things in the wrong way with how they are acting, which causes teens to be pushed away.


We'll explore:

  • What are some of the common things that parents should be aware of 

  • How we can better approach situations


To aid your learning journey, you'll also find under the resources section access to the following resources:

  • The Seven 7 S's Guide - an outline of the 7Ss with additional links and reading

  • Parent Reflection Playbook - a skills playbook and reflection tool

Jocelyn Brewer is a Sydney-based psychologist, teacher and human, with expertise in cyberpsychology, digital well-being and mental health.

Through her work with individuals and organisations, she answers the question: How do we stay human in a digital age? As the founder of Digital Nutrition™, she’s created a positive and practical framework for addressing digital wellbeing and helping humans of all ages to conquer their love-hate relationship with technology.

A highly sought-after speaker, educator, media commentator and expert, Jocelyn is adept at discussing the impact of technology, and empowering audiences on how to improve their digital wellbeing.

With a warm, humorous and engaging presentation style, Jocelyn is just as comfortable discussing toddlers and screen-use with parents, as she is providing support to ‘screenagers’, social media influencers, and organisations looking for pragmatic solutions to their digital challenges.v