Kate Christie | Create the life you want

29m 36s

Are you struggling at the moment or feel you are lacking direction? Watch this episode with Kate Christie


Kate Christie is Australia’s leading Time Management expert, Speaker, best-selling Author of five books, and a sought after media commentator.

Kate is highly regarded for her dynamic, engaging and entertaining presentations where she educates audiences on the right strategies and habits to ensure you find and harness hours of lost time and then plan for and deliberately use that time to live a life by design.

As a leading voice on productivity, goal setting and designing your best life, Kate consults to big and small businesses on productivity, government departments, C suite executives, and educators on productivity, maximising individual time spend, and combatting organisational drag through smart time investment strategies.

As a media commentator, Kate is an Opinion Columnist for CEOWorldMagazine and has worked with Kochie’s Business Builders, The Daily Edition, SBS News, the ABC Pineapple Project as well as on radio, podcasts and in print media.

Kate is in the business of helping you find time - lots of time - and using that time well.