Lawrence Mitchell | Mindfulness tools

3m 55s

Lawrence shares a tool he uses every single day to help him improve his equilibrium, and no it is not a gratitude list! Watch this clip and give it a try.


Lawrence Mitchell’s passion for holistic wellbeing strategies started in 1994 while he was sitting on a beach in Ireland when he had a heart scare. From that moment, everything changed. Lawrence now works with individuals, teams and brands around the world to create high performance cultures that drive growth during periods of rapid change and uncertainty. He runs learning programmes, virtual events, wellness festivals and publications, all designed to guide individuals and teams to find EQUILIBRIUM through periods of rapid change and uncertainty.

His company EQUILIBRIUM brings together insights from experts from the worlds of modern science and ancient wisdom to showcase how health and wellness are the foundations of everything. Prevention is better than cure and the more we collaborate, the easier it will be to find EQUILIBRIUM at an individual and collective level. We call a state of EQUILIBRIUM a state of total wellbeing that gives you the energy you need to thrive.