Want to find ways to boost your mood? Linda Ray has some handy tips to get you back to your happy self!
In 2006 Linda Ray began a mission to change the world one brain at a time. Her work has focused on exploring how neuroscience — the inner working of the brain and nervous system — affects worker performance and psychosocial safety.
To help foster better workplaces and higher workplace productivity Linda developed the world’s only accredited curriculum in the neuroscience of leadership which has been delivered to students across the globe. A 400 strong Alumni have joined her on her mission to change the world one brain at a time.
Her consulting work has focused on improving leadership capability to improve their organisations' performance through improvements in team psychological safety. Her interest in team based psychological safety led her to develop a tool (PS25 ™) that measures in real time the lead indicators of high or low psychological safety in teams across five social domains. In 2018 Linda co-founded Conductor Software a propriety software solution which administers the PS25™ and links this with business metrics to show the relationship between psychological safety and business performance.
Her research and practice is exploring the relationship of neuro-psychological safety on the performance of employees and leaders and how psychosocial safety influences, wellbeing, client experience, innovation, engagement and performance. She works with teams and organisations to measure and improve psychosocial safety of employees to unlock human potential.
Linda is a regular speaker at events and conferences in Australia and overseas championing the need for employers to pay attention to how their workplaces can be transformed by: improving leadership capability; rethinking outdated workplace practices and; making psychological safety of workers a critical business imperative.
If you're struggling at the moment and need support, please call:
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800