This has to be one of the most powerful moments we have had in Cuppa. In this conversation Cookie reads out a powerful paragraph from Pauls book 'The Dreaming Path' and Paul then clearly explains how we can achieve a balance from an Indigenous perspective
Paul Callaghan is an Aboriginal man belonging to the land of the Worimi people which is located one hour north of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
Paul has held a number of senior executive positions in his career and has qualifications in the disciplines of surveying, drafting, commerce, training, executive leadership, company boards and executive coaching. He has completed a PhD in Creative Practice at the University of New England. His most important learning however, has been through going bush with Elders.
Paul is a motivational speaker, a storyteller, a dancer and an author. His book The Dreaming Path was published February, 2022. This book provide insights on how the modern world can benefit from the wisdom of Aboriginal Elders through an increased understanding of Aboriginal culture and spirituality.